Once you have a will prepared, consideration should also be given to where you should keep it. Clients frequently ask if they should keep important papers, such as their Will, Deed to their home, burial plot deed or funeral instructions or life insurance policies, in...
Firm News
How does a partnership end when a partner retires?
There are various different types of businesses in Pennsylvania that provide many different services and produce different goods. These businesses have various owners as well and are formed as different legal entities. Many are formed as corporations (S-corps and...
What Does A Solid Real Estate Contract Entail?
A commercial property transaction is a major undertaking and parties may lose important rights and assets if they only use boilerplate forms. A well-drafted sale and purchase agreement for commercial real estate addresses the specific transaction, contains common...
How does zoning work in Pennsylvania?
Land and business owners cannot build or operate their business at any location they choose or without restriction. Pennsylvania communities have zoning and land use regulations that dictate the use of different land, restrict the types of use for the land or govern...
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We established this blog to share stories and information about topics relevant to our practice. Our intent is to regularly provide posts highlighting legal issues of local, state and national interest that we think you will find interesting. Check back later for...